Dr. Scheer's Powerline

Dr. Scheer's Powerline
A Natural Source of Herbal Energy

Dr. Scheer is a practicing Chiropractor and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. With over 25 years of clinical experience, he has seen and treated thousands of chronically ill patients. He is a teacher at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and clinic supervisor in their outpatient clinic. Dr. Scheer has found that lack of energy and fatigue is often a major component of disease and an inhibitor of healing. The patient’s innate energy store is needed to spark and sustain the healing process.

Dr. Scheer’s Powerline is a unique blend of herbs specifically formulated to enhance the patient’s physical and mental performance and their healing capacity. The liquid tincture format insures maximum extraction of the medicinal herbal ingredients and its absorption by the patient. Dr. Scheer’s Powerline is a true tonic, according to the German Commission E Monographs. As a tonic, it enhances wellness in the present and prevents serious illnesses. Dr. Scheer’s Powerline is a blend of woods-grown American Ginseng root, Siberian Ginseng, wild-gathered Licorice root and Ginkgo leaves.

The German Commission E has the following uses for each herb:

  • American Ginseng and Siberian Ginseng - Used as a tonic for invigorating and fortifying the body and mind in times of fatigue and debility or declining capacity for work and concentration. It is also during convalescence.

  • Ginkgo leaves - Used for symptomatic treatment of disturbed performance in organic brain syndrome. It aids with memory deficit and disturbances in concentration, depressive emotional condition, dizziness, and headache. It improves the distance of pain-free walking in peripheral arterial occlusive disease. It also helps vertigo and tinnitus (ringing in the ear) of vascular and involutional origin.
  • Licorice root - Used for catarrhs of the upper respiratory tract and gastric duodenal ulcers.

“The synergistic effect of these herbs will improve the patient’s energy, memory,
concentration, circulation, moods, resistance to stress and digestion.
Overall, we have a medicine that is effective, safe and economical”.

Dr. Scheer’s Powerline is:

  • Adjunctive to most therapies

  • Economical

  • Easy to use

  • Well tolerated

  • Good tasting

  • Hypoallergenic

  • Organic and wild crafted herbs

  • Non toxic

  • Safe for children

  • Chemical, preservative and additive free

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