Himalaya Singles

Amla - Natural Vitamin C
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Amla (Emblica officinalis)

Properties: Amla or Amalaki has one of the highest concentrations of natural vitamin C of any edible plant. It is an essential component of Chyavanprash, a rejuvenative tonic, and of Triphala, a digestive formula. Not surprisingly, Amla’s reputation is supported by scientific studies showing it boosts immunity.

Arjuna - Cardiac Tonic
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna)

Properties: Arjuna has been the herb of choice in Ayurveda for cardiovascular health. Arjuna’s ability to suppress the blood’s absorption of lipids indicates that it has cholesterol-regulating properties.

Ashwagandha - Anti-stress
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Ashwagandha - Winter Cherry (Withania somnifera)

Properties: Often called the “Indian Ginseng”, Ashwagandha improves the body’s ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress. Perhaps the most famous Ayurvedic rejuvenative botanical, Ashwagandha is used in many tonics and formulas.

Bacopa - Mental Alertness
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Bacopa (Bacopa monniera)

Properties: A classic cardiac and nervine tonic, Bacopa is included in the “Brahmi” category of Ayurvedic herbs, which benefit both the mind and spirit and improves the intellect and consciousness. Bacopa assists in heightening mental acuity and supports the physicological processes involved in relaxation.


Bitter Melon - Glycemic Control
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)

Properties: Containing an ingredient that is similar to bovine insulin, Bitter Melon has been shown to regulate the body’s ability to process sugars by suppressing the neural response to the stimuli of sweet tastes.

Boswellia - Joint Support
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Boswellia (Boswellia serrata)

Properties: Boswellia has been used extensively in Ayurveda for joint support and to provide an overall sense of well-being. Also known as “Salai Guggul”, it is like its cousin Guggul in offering broad health and immunomodulating benefits.

Chyavanprash - Total Rejuvenation
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: contains choice extracts of over 40 plants

Properties: Although composed of more than 40 herbs, Chyavanprash is considered a single entity and is the best known herbal concentrate in Ayurveda. For centuries, it has been the cornerstone of an all-around health optimization regimen. Its adaptogenic properties make it an excellent anti-aging and anti-stress tonic.

Garcinia - Dietary Support
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia)

Properties: Recent studies have shown that fruits, like Garcinia, contain a biologically active compound which is known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids and lowers the formation of LDL and triglycerides (hydroxycitric acid). Additionally, appetite is also suppressed by promoting synthesis of glycogen. The brain gets the signals of fullness and satisfaction sooner. Garcinia also contains significant amounts of vitamin C and has been used as a heart tonic.

Garlic - Coronary Support
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Garlic (Allium sativum)

Properties: Containing Allicin that is responsible for its distinctive odor and taste, Garlic has been shown to provide significant protective action against fat-induced increases in serum cholesterol levels. It also helps support the body’s anti-clotting mechanism in arteries and veins.

Guduchi - Immunomodulator
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)

Properties: Guduchi is an important part of the Ayurvedic category of “Rasayanas”, or rejuvenative tonics. Human studies conducted on Guduchi’s immune-boosting ability show it to be linked to enhancing the function of protective cells called macrophages.

Guggul - Cholesterol Support
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Guggul (Commiphora mukul)

Properties: One of the oldest and most famour herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, Guggul possesses strong purifying and rejuvenating powers. People today can especially benefit from Guggul’s lipid regulating and immunomodulating properties as described in ancient Ayurvedic texts.

Gymnema - Sugar Destroyer
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre)

Properties: With its name literally meaning “sugar destroyer” in Hindi, Gymnema has been used in Ayurveda since the sixth century B.C. Gymnema has been shown to have a regenerative effect on pancreatic beta cells while curbing cravings for sweets.

Neem - Systemic Purifier
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Properties: One of the most powerful blood purifiers an detoxifiers in Ayurvedic usage. Neem is often used to maintain healthy skin. Scientific studies indicate Neem boosts the immune system by supporting cells known as lymphocytes which respond to infection and other challenges to the body’s immunity.

Triphala - Digestive Support
(60/250mg capsules)

Ingredients: a combination of Amla, Haritaki, Vibhitaki

Properties: Another Ayurvedic aid for digestion, Triphala is a traditional combination of three myrobalan fruits; Amla, Haritaki, and Vibhitaki. It rejuvenates the membrane lining of the digestive tract and contributes to effective cleansing of the colon, a key condition in Ayurveda to maintain optimum health.


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