Himalaya Formulas

Abana® - Natural Heart Support
(60 tablets)

Abana® is a cardiac tonic that supports the heart function. It helps regulate blood pressure and maintains the balance between supply and demand of myocardial oxygen. A wide range of individuals can benefit from taking Abana® daily as a dietary supplement, including: smokers, overweight people, people who consume high-fat diets, and people who lead a stressful life.

The health benefits of Abana® are derived from at least three different modes of action. First, Abana® regulates lipid metabolism by increasing the protective HDL-cholesterol while lowering both total and bad LDL-cholesterol. Second, Abana® reduces platelet adhesion. Third, Abana® supports the heart indirectly by helping people overcome nervousness and anxiety. It is known, indeed, that stresses of modern life, tension, anxieties and frustrations are all factors affecting the heart's health. With proven effect at all the above levels, this formula very effectively helps maintain a normal cardiac function.


Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - Tonic for heart and liver. Regulates blood pressure, heart rate and lipid metabolism. Free radical scavenger.
Billilotan (Nepeta hindostana) - Supports various cardiovascular metabolisms.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - known for its adaptogenic and rejuvenative effect.
Guggul (Commiphora mukul) - Regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Boerhaavia (Boerhaavia diffusa) - Supports the urinary tract.
Gotu-kola (Centella asiatica) - Famous for improving memory and attention as well as maintaining microvascular integrity.
Amalaki - Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) - High in natural Vitamin C, used as a cardiovascular tonic and as an effective support     for stomach function.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Rich in flavonoids (antioxidants).
Musk root (Nardostachys jatamansi ) - Valerian-like nervine tonic used to calm the mind.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - A safe, effective digestive tonic and adaptogen.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Helps build the body's immune resistance.
Indian Long Pepper (Piper longum) - Stimulant for the digestive and respiratory systems.

Recommended dosage: 1 tablet twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: Support of the cardiac function is a complex phenomenon. Several hormones and biogenic amines are known to influence the mechanism of cardiac function. Excessive secretion of histamine has been reported to trigger the secretion of norepinephrine. In a study of the circulating levels of histamine published in Current Medical Practice (1988): 5,115, two weeks of Abana® use brought about a marked reduction in those levels.

One of the most important mechanisms involved in maintaining a healthy heart function is linked to lipid concentration. The effect of Abana® on lipids has been thoroughly researched and results have been published in Alternative Medicine Zurich, Switzerland, (1986): 3, 241. Abana® was shown to exert a significant influence on lipid metabolism: reduction of total lipids, serum triglycerides and serum cholesterol.

In another placebo-controlled study published in Alternative Medicine (1990): 3, 139., Abana® was found to increase the levels of HDL-cholesterol - the "good" cholesterol that has a protective effect by mobilizing cholesterol from tissue and returning it to the liver.

Bronchotab® - Natural Breathing Support
(120 tablets)

Bronchotab® is a unique complex herbal formula that provides overall support of the respiratory function and helps maintain optimum bronchial effectiveness. It broadly addresses many underlying mechanisms linked to optimum breathing.

There is a traditional Indian way to help people cope with environmental factors, air pollution and allergens that usually determine the respiratory effectiveness: the use of botanicals that have immunomodulatory and immune- enhancing properties. Formulas also rely on ingredients such as Tylophora asthmatica or Rhus succedanea that have been shown to support the functioning of the bronchial musculature.


Galls (Rhus succedanea) - Supports bronchial and pulmonary health.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Widely used, tasty condiment. Supports the immune system and protects the respiratory tract.
Malabar Nut (Adhatoda vasica ) - Facilitates the expulsion of thick and tenacious sputum.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Promotes bronchial effectiveness and supports the functioning of the bronchial musculature. Rich in flavonoids.
Siris (Albizzia lebbek) - Bark has a long history of use in all respiratory conditions.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: The health benefits of Tylophora asthmatica, a key ingredient of Bronchotab®, have been well documented and proven through clinical trials. In a study published in Planta Medica (1991) 409, Tylophora asthmatica promotes bronchial effectiveness and regulates the immune response to allergens. Clinical trials have also been conducted on the complete formula, Bronchotab®, and have established its effectiveness in supporting the overall respiratory function. The benefits of Bronchotab® have been shown to be linked to the suppression of antibody production and inhibition of antigen induced histamine release. The results were published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology 1999;31: 133-137.

Cystone® - Natural Urinary Support
(100 tablets)

Cystone® is very effective in supporting the urinary tract function. It controls the urine’s composition, and, as every formula, derived from traditional ayurvedic remedies, is directed at correcting imbalances. Cystone® reduces susceptibility to developing problems by maintaining mucosal integrity.

Taken daily as a dietary supplement, Cystone® keeps the kidneys and urinary tract flushed and working at optimum efficiency. Cystone® is especially helpful to people with predisposing factors such as low urine output, high mineral content in the diet, and urinary crystalloid-colloid imbalance.


Shilapushpa (Didymocarpus pedicellata) - Natural diuretic used to promote healthy bladder and kidneys.
Pasanavheda (Saxifraga ligulata) - Maintains crystalloid-colloid balance.
Rough Chaff Tree (Achyranthes aspera) - Regulates urine output.
Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia) - Immune regulator.
Umbrella's edge (Cyperus scariosus) - Assists in maintaining genitourinary health.
Sedge (Onosma bracteatum) - Tonic which helps build the body's immune resistance and regulates urine output.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: The mode of action of Cystone® is linked to calcium metabolism and the proper physicochemical conditions to maintain calcium in solution for normal elimination. Cystone® has been shown to reduce the susceptibility of calcium salts of oxalic or uric acids to develop microcrystals.

Cystone® administration regulates uric acid levels and brought about significant improvement in the quality of life - (The Medicine and Surgery (1980): May - June 5).

In a controlled trial of 100 cases, Cystone® was compared with other methods, such as antispasmodics, to maintain urinary health. The results, published in Current Medical Practice, May 1982, show much better results for Cystone® which gave excellent results in 76% of the cases. No side effects were observed even with prolonged use for six months.

Diarex® - Balanced Intestinal Comfort
(60 tablets)

Diarex® is a unique complex and balanced herbal formula that helps address occasional gastrointestinal discomfort through systemic support of the digestive function. Occasional discomfort may result from intake of unusual food, travel, climate change, stress and strain of modern life. Diarex® helps maintain normal stool consistency, frequency, and amount.


Bael Tree (Aegle marmelos) – for occasional intestinal discomfort
Conessi Tree (Holarrhena antidysenterica) – anti-spasmodic activity
Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus) – stimulant of the intestines
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) – immunomodulating properties

Recommended dosage: 1 tablet, twice daily.

Key research: Diarex® is a unique complex herbal formula that ensures intestinal comfort and helps relieve occasional abdominal pain. (The Indian Practitioner, Vol 54, February 2001).

Gastrim® - Natural Digestive Support
(120 tablets)

Gastrim® provides a natural, simple and gentle approach to maintaining a balanced digestive function. It addresses a broad range of gastrointestinal imbalances. It is an effective antiflatulant that alleviates bloating and relieves upset stomach or occasional heartburn and acidity.

Gastrim® contains two minerals from shells very well known in ayurvedic medicine for their digestive properties. One is purified conch shell ashes of silicate magnesium, and the other is the shell of Cyprea moneta, a marine species whose ashes contain various salts – phosphate, carbonate and fluoride – of calcium, sodium, magnesium and manganese. The various individual ingredients act synergistically to support the gastrointestinal function through a combination of mechanisms, such as defoaming action, a reduction in surface tension and as a carminative.

Gastrim® ensures that the digestive process efficiently converts ingested food into final products with a perfect balance of all factors involved.


Crowfoot (Aconitum palmatum) - Bitter tonic used to maintain healthy bowels.
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) - Stimulative and carminative spice that enhances the absorption of other ingredients.
Amalaki - Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) - High in natural Vitamin C, used as a cardiovascular tonic and as an effective support for stomach function.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Widely used, tasty condiment. Stimulant of the gastro-intestinal and digestive tracts.
Triphala (Amala, Vibhitaka, Haritaki) - Synergistic combination of three well-known fruits. Excellent intestinal cleanser, adaptogenic and rejuvenator.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - Safe and effective purgative, expectorant and tonic.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets before meals or as needed.

Key research: Gastrim® is effective in restoring digestive comfort. In a study published in Indian Practitioner (1978):3, 127, 100 cases used Gastrim® in order to relieve symptoms associated with gas, bloating, and gastrointestinal discomfort. All cases showed considerable improvement with 70% getting complete comfort with absolutely no side effects recorded.

Geriforte® - Anti-stress & rejuvenative
(60 tablets)

Many health conditions are now well understood to be stress-related, and coping with the consequences of stress is fast becoming a cornerstone of health and well-being. Geriforte® is a completely natural product that regulates and balances all the body’s organs and systems for comprehensive health maintenance. It delivers an extremely broad range of health benefits which are well documented by extensive research. This ultimate general fitness product helps everyone handle daily stress. It provides several vitamins and minerals from natural sources, has strong antioxidant properties that are the key to its anti-aging benefits, and improves hormonal effectiveness, the key to its menopausal benefits.

Many studies have uncovered definite evidence of its effectiveness in stress-related conditions like premature aging, fatigue, insomnia or emotional imbalance. Geriforte® is the ultimate physical and mental restorative that keeps the body mentally alert and physically fit. It is the prime example of the elaborate science of using herbs as rejuvenating tonics.


Chyavanprash - Effective rejuvenative, rich in antioxidant Vitamin C. Cornerstone of broad health and anti-aging regimen.
Mineral Pitch (Shilajeet) - Tar-like purified exudate of mineral origin; balanced general tonic.
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - known for its adaptogenic and rejuvenative effect.
Gotu-kola (Centella asiatica) - Famous for improving memory and attention as well as maintaining microvascular integrity.
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - A heart tonic; helps regulate lipids.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - Safe and effective digestive tonic.
Mucuna ( Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Tones up intestines. Rich in flavonoids.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - Main rejuvenative element for women.

Recommended dosage: 1 tablet twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: It is now well documented that one of the main chemical reactions involved in aging is free radical damage to cells, especially the very damaging superoxide particles. In healthy young people an enzyme called superoxide dismutase (SOD) scavenges these reactive free radicals and produces hydrogen peroxide which is then eliminated in the form of water by another enzyme called catalase (CAT).

The concentration of those two enzymes is in direct correlation with the degree of protection against the damaging effects of free radicals and is therefore an excellent marker for the antioxidant efficiency of protective formulas.

In a striking placebo-controlled study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (Vol 717, June 30, 1994, pp. 170-173)., Geriforte® induced a significant increase in the production of both enzymes SOD and CAT, prompting the authors to state that “through the elimination of damaging free radicals responsible for the oxidative damages linked to aging, Geriforte® is an ideal tonic for promoting health and longevity.”

Glucosim® - Natural Glucose Regulator
(120 tablets)

Glucosim® is an herbomineral dietary supplement offering gentle and safe glycemic control. Glucosim® helps maintain proper blood sugar balance, a very important component of maintaining good health. It also helps regulate lipid metabolism and maintain healthy serum triglycerides and cholesterol levels. Glucosim®’s benefits have been shown to be linked to an improved regeneration of pancreatic cells.

Through the blending of more than 25 well known and researched ayurvedic herbs, Glucosim® is the result of several years of rigorous development. It has been formulated specifically for people who need to keep their blood sugar levels under control and to optimize many body functions that might otherwise be affected by sugar imbalance.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul ) - Regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) - Helps regenerate pancreas beta cells. Neutralizes the craving for sweets.
Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) - Contains a polypeptide similar to bovine insulin that promotes the utilization of glucose. Rejuvenates pancreatic cells.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Tones up intestines. Rich in flavonoids.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - Main rejuvenative tonic also known to regulate sugar levels.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) - Helps maintain healthy urinary function and promotes blood circulation to the heart.
Pitasara (Pterocarpus marsupium) - Helps rejuvenate pancreatic cells and hinder the absorption of glucose in the intestines.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily, 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. May be increased, if required, to 2 tablets, three times daily.

Key research: A comprehensive study of the health benefits of Glucosim® was reported in the Journal of the Diabetic Association of India (1995), Vol.35, No.1. It confirmed that herbal remedies are effective in maintaining proper blood sugar levels. The study showed good results in terms of maintaining normal life, regulating sugar metabolisms and achieving better long-term health.

Other studies, published in Antiseptic, Vol.92, No.2, p.263-265, indicate that Glucosim® is effective both as an independent formulation or as part of a more comprehensive approach.

Studies about the mechanism of action of Glucosim® have shown that it restores liver glycogen levels and promotes insulin secretion by repair and regeneration of pancreas beta cells.

Kilose® - Natural Lipid Regulator
(60 capsules)

Kilose® is a unique complex herbal formula that regulates the metabolism of fats and has shown excellent results in cases of obesity, thereby protecting overweight people against possible consequences of excess lipids.

The concept of obesity as a disorder of the lipid metabolism was described in Ayurveda, and a number of herbal formulas have been used safely for centuries. The metabolic action of Guggul and HCA (hydroxycitric acid from Garcinia cambogia) have been well documented.

It has been well established that the primary factor supporting a normal lipid metabolism is the regulation of the sugar content in the blood stream. The presence of Gymnema makes Kilose® the natural solution when weight control difficulties are linked to poor regulation of the glucose metabolism.


Garcinia (Garcinia cambogia) - Contains (-) hydroxycitric acid that is known to inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids.
Guggul (Commiphora mukul ) - Normalizes lipid metabolism, helps burn excess fat and regulates cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) - Helps regulate craving for sweets.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Widely used, tasty condiment. Stimulant of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Indian Long Pepper (Piper longum) - Improves digestion and accelerates metabolism.
Saffron (Crocus sativus) - Reconstituent tonic and stimulant. Contains natural riboflavin and thiamine (B vitamins).
Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) - Contains a polypeptide similar to bovine insulin like compound that promotes the utilization of glucose.

Recommended dosage: 2 or 3 capsules 30 minutes before meals on an empty stomach. In case of gastric irritation, Kilose® should be taken after meals.
Additional instructions:
• It is important to get at least 20 to 30 minutes of activity four to five times a week
(a brisk walk, swim, etc.)
• Daily intake of 8 to 12 glasses of water is necessary in order to improve absorption of Kilose®.
• Eat moderately; do not deprive yourself of an occasional treat.
Kilose® should be used continuously for 4-6 months for best results. Loss of weight in terms of inches as well as pounds will be observed, depending on the amount of superficial or deep-seated fat in the body. Each person’s body is built differently and responds in its own unique way.

Key research: Studies have shown that (-) hydroxycitric acid (HCA) present in the Garcinia cambogia extract (containing not less than 50% w/w of HCA) is known to inhibit lipogenesis and fatty acid synthesis. It acts by inhibiting the citrate cleavage enzyme which catalyses the formation of precursors for fatty acid synthesis. In a study published in International Journal of Obesity (1996), HCA has also been shown to boost basal metabolic rate so the body continues to burn calories and lose weight.

Liv.52® - Natural Liver Support
(120 tablets)

Liv.52® simply ensures optimum liver function. Through the protection of the hepatic parenchyma, and by way of its potent antioxidant properties, the product acts as a powerful detoxification agent. It neutralizes all kinds of toxins and poisons from food, water, air and medications–all sources of detrimental effects on the liver. Counteracting those hard-to-avoid poisons and therefore protecting one of the body’s most important organs, Liv.52® has enormous health benefits for everyone.

Liv.52® was introduced in 1955 as a specially formulated liver support product. Since then, Liv.52® has been sold worldwide and is widely recognized by thousands of health professionals as one of the most effective liver formulas, with beneficial effects reported in over 300 studies on a wide variety of cases. Alcohol users particularly found Liv.52® helped them maintain a healthier liver. It also helps people taking necessary allopathic medications who want to protect themselves against the damaging hepatotoxic side effects of those medications.


Capers (Capparis spinosa) - Well-documented hepatic stimulant and protector. Improves the functional efficiency of the liver.
Wild chicory (Cichorium intybus) - Powerful hepatic stimulant, increases bile secretion, acts on liver glycogen and promotes digestion.
Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) - Promotes liver and kidney health and has shown hepatoprotective activity in cases of toxicity induced by drugs and chemicals .
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - Tonic for heart and liver. Regulates hepatic cholesterol biosynthesis.
Negro Coffee (Cassia occidentalis) - Digestive and hepatic tonic.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) - Stimulative tonic for the liver.
Tamarisk (Tamarix gallica) - Hepatic stimulant and also provides digestive support.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: The well known effects of Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) on the liver are due to accumulation of acetaldehyde, a metabolite of ethanol which causes unwanted symptoms related to the central nervous system. In a study of the absorption and metabolism of ethanol (European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1991,40 : pp. 189-91), Liv.52® was shown to enhance the urinary secretion of acetaldehyde, suggesting that Liv.52® prevents the binding of acetaldehyde to cell proteins in the liver.

A more recent study published in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.37, August 1999, pp.762-766, confirms that the hepatoprotective nature of Liv.52® might be attributed to its ability to inhibit lipid

Liv.52® has also been found to be associated with an increase in serum albumin, which is another indication of the liver protection it provides. Recent work shows that Liv.52® has cholesterol-regulating action. Clinically, it helps maintain healthy levels of serum cholesterol, lipoproteins, phospholipids and triglycerides.

Menosim® - Natural Menopause Support
(60 tablets)

Menosim® is a unique complex herbal formula that helps women cope with all the discomfort and unpleasant symptoms associated with menopause. It promotes physical and emotional comfort in menopausal and post-menopausal states. It helps with mood swings and sleeplessness. It is also a nervine tonic for those who experience irritability or “hot flashes.”

Menosim® offers a broad approach to women's health concerns through the use of herbs that contain phytoestrogens and phytoprogesterone, improve hormone utilization and provide an overall hormonal balance. Menosim® provides regulation of the urinary tract function in relation to menopause and has an overall soothing effect to help produce an optimum sense of well-being.


Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia) - Female tonic for the support the uterine muscular fiber.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - Contains natural Vitamin C. Adaptogen and rejuvenative.
Ashwaganda (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - Known for its adaptogenic andrejuvenative effects.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Rich in flavonoids. Helps support the genitourinary tract.
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) - Tonic for the heart and liver. Regulates the heart rate.Free radical scavenger.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - Well known as a main rejuvenative element for women and a natural source of estrogens. Roots have calming and soothing properties.
Ashoka Tree (Saraca indica) - Stimulant of the ovarian tissue. Facilitates hormone utilization.
Gotu-kola (Centella asiatica) - Helps maintain microvascular integrity.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 to 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: The combination of herbs in Menosim® has been subjected to many clinical studies. In one study, the response was evaluated by monitoring up to 15 signs of menopausal discomfort, with marked improvement in the majority of women. Ingredients such as Ashoka tree (Saraca indica) were shown to improve estrogen levels through its action on the central nervous system as well as on the ovaries. Menosim® has been shown beneficial in all post-menopausal situations including post-hysterectomy cases.

Studies conducted on another ingredient, Country mallow (Sida cordifolia) have demonstrated its effectiveness as a cardiac tonic and as a support of the genitourinary tract. The wide range of benefits from taking Menosim® are free from adverse side effects.

Menstrim® - Natural Menstrual Support
(60 capsules or 200ml liquid)

Menstrim® is a unique complex herbal formula that helps women cope with all the discomfort and unpleasant symptoms associated with their menstrual cycle. It also promotes physical and emotional comfort and helps with mood swings and sleeplessness. It is also a nervine tonic for those who experience irritability and anxiety.

Menstrim® offers a broad approach to women's health concerns through the use of herbs that contain phytoestrogens, improve hormone utilization and provide an overall hormonal balance. Menstrim® regulates cyclical bleeding and promotes the relaxation of the uterine musculature. Menstrim®'s benefits include a more even emotional outlook and an optimum sense of well-being.


Ashoka Tree (Saraca indica) - Stimulant of the ovarian tissue. Facilitates hormone utilization.
Lodh Tree (Symplocos racemosa) - Uterine tonic, astringent.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Has relaxing and immunomodulating properties.
Black Nightshade (Solanum nigrum) - Supports the genitourinary function.
Boerhaavia (Boerhaavia diffusa) - General female tonic, particularly for optimum urinary tract health.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - Well known as a main rejuvenative element for women and a natural source of estrogens. Roots have calming and soothing properties.
Malabar Nut (Adhatoda vasica) - Relaxes and supports the female reproductive system.

Recommended dosage:
Directions for Capsules:
Take 2 capsules twice daily, preferably with meals.
Directions for Liquid:
Take 2 to 3 teaspoonfuls twice a day, preferably with meals.

Key research: The combination of herbs in Menstrim® has been subjected to many studies to document its benefits as a uterine tonic for menstruation-related discomforts, including PMS. (The Indian Practitioner, Vol 51, April 1998, p.269) These benefits are derived from classic ayurvedic "tonics" combined with more specific herbs containing phytoestrogens or having an action on the central nervous system as well as on the ovaries. Ingredients such as Ashoka tree (Saraca indica) have been shown to increase estrogen levels and to normalize the endometrium during menstruation.(The Antiseptic, Vol.95, October 1998, p.329)

The estrogen effect of Menstrim® was also the object of detailed experimental studies recently published in the Indian Journal of Pharmacology (1999);31:200-203.

Mentat® - Natural Cerebral Support
(60 tablets)

Mentat® supports the brain function in normal situations as well as when facing various mental and emotional tension. It is a mental fitness formula that helps one face all daily intellectual demands. The benefits of taking Mentat® daily have been demonstrated in a broad range of cases. Students improved their learning abilities and academic performance through improved concentration and increased attention span; executives and managers to improve memory, grasping abilities, understanding and retention; mentally fatigued people and the elderly with their frustrating bouts of forgetfulness.

Mentat® is a herbal formulation of several medicinal plants which have been categorized in Ayurveda as “Medharasayanas” and used to regulate behavior, improve memory and minimize cognitive deficits associated with aging.


Bacopa (Bacopa monniera) - Main rejuvenating herb for the nerves and brain cells.
Gotu-kola (Centella asiatica) - Famous for improving memory and attention as well as maintaining microvascular integrity.
Morning Glory (Evolvulus alsinoides) - Effective in cases of nervous debility and loss of memory.
Musk Root (Nardostachys jatamansi ) - Valerian-like nervine tonic used to calm the mind
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - Known for its adaptogenic, anti-stress and rejuvenative effects.
Indian Valerian (Valeriana jatamansi) - Like its western cousin, Indian Valerian is a non addictive sedative.
Triphala (Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaka) - Cornerstone of ayurvedic medicine.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Mucuna - Cow-Itch Plant (Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Salep Orchid (Orchis mascula) - Nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: It is now widely accepted, based on extensive clinical and experimental data, that learning and memory are closely associated with the functional status of the central cholinergic system. According to this model, Mentat® was evaluated in the presence of substances known to have cholinotoxic effects. The results, published in an Italian journal, Fitoterapia (Vol. LXVI, No.3 pp. 216-222, 1995), indicate that Mentat® actively promotes cholinergic recovery, thereby facilitating central cholinergic mechanisms, which explains Mentat®’s effectiveness in promoting mental alertness.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) was investigated for its effect on the nervous system. The study showed that Ashwagandha is effective on the area which is responsible for tranquility and calmness - (Indian Drugs Feb.22, 1993, (30) 7, 305-312.)

Mentat® Jr. - Natural Cerebral Support
(120 mini tablets or 200ml liquid)

Mentat® Jr. supports the brain function in normal situations as well as when facing various mental and emotional pressures. Mentat® Jr. has been found particularly effective in helping kids maintain appropriate class conduct and helps them face all daily intellectual demands.
The numerous benefits of taking Mentat® Jr. daily have been demonstrated in a broad range of cases. Students improved their learning abilities and academic performance through improved concentration and increased attention span; executives and managers improved memory, grasping abilities, understanding and retention; mentally fatigued people and the elderly were helped with their frustrating bouts of forgetfulness.

Mentat® Jr. is an herbal formulation of several medicinal plants which have been categorized in traditional Indian medicine as "Medharasayanas" and used to regulate behavior, improve memory and minimize normal cognitive deficits associated with aging.


Bacopa (Bacopa monniera) - Main rejuvenating herb for the nerves and brain cells.
Gotu-kola (Centella asiatica) - Famous for improving memory and attention as well as maintaining microvascular integrity.
Morning Glory (Evolvulus alsinoides) - Effective in cases of nervous debility and loss of memory.
Musk Root (Nardostachys jatamansi ) - Valerian-like nervine tonic used to calm the mind
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - Known for its adaptogenic, anti-stress and rejuvenative effects.
Indian Valerian (Valeriana jatamansi) - Like its western cousin, Indian Valerian is a non addictive sedative.
Triphala (Amalaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaka) - Cornerstone of ayurvedic medicine.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Mucuna - Cow-Itch Plant (Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Salep Orchid (Orchis mascula) - Nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic.

Recommended dosage:
Take 1 to 3 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.
200ml Liquid: Take 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls, 2 or 3 times a day.

Key research: It is now widely accepted, based on extensive clinical and experimental data, that learning and memory are closely associated with the functional status of the central cholinergic system. According to this model, Mentat® Jr. was evaluated in the presence of substances known to have cholinotoxic effects. The results, published in an Italian journal, Fitoterapia (Vol. LXVI, No.3 pp. 216-222, 1995), indicate that Mentat® Jr. actively promotes cholinergic recovery, thereby facilitating central cholinergic mechanisms, which explains Mentat® Jr.’s effectiveness in promoting mental alertness.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) was investigated for its effect on the nervous system. The study showed that Ashwagandha is effective on the area which is responsible for tranquility and calmness - (Indian Drugs Feb.22, 1993, (30) 7, 305-312.)

Nailtone® - Balanced Nail Strengthener
(30 capsules)

Nailtone® is a unique herbal supplement that helps maintain healthy nail structure, something of aesthetic value to many, especially women. Nailtone® addresses the two factors known to be associated with nail health: adequate calcium supplementation and appropriate vitaminization.

Nailtone® combines several sources of natural vitamins and bioavailable calcium for optimum results. Studies have shown Nailtone® to be very effective in nail vitaminization and mineralization as well as in regenerating the connective tissue of the nails.

The effectiveness of Nailtone® in supporting delicate nail metabolisms is enhanced by several herbs which have been shown to have adaptogenic activity.


Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – maintain healthy nails
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – adaptogenic
Guggul (Commiphora mukul) – supports all connective tissues
Oyster Shell Ash – natural source of assimilable calcium

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules twice per day, 1/2 hour before meals.

Key research: Nailtone® is a unique complex herbal formula that helps in strengthening the nails in a natural way. Nailtone® has been shown in clinical trials to support healthy nails and maintain highest healthy nail area.

Pilexim® - Natural Vascular Support
(100 tablets)

Pilexim® is an all-natural formula that provides herbal and mineral components essential for maintaining healthy veins. It helps balance the metabolic process involved in maintaining the vascular system’s integrity for optimum comfort and appearance. The formulation is based on the ayurvedic tradition of botanical medicine and represents a careful blend of several medicinal plants that help maintain normal tone of venous walls for healthy legs and anal comfort.

Chebulinic acid is known as a potent astringent and has an important role in maintaining the supportive property of veins. The oleoresin portion of Guggul and Berberine hydrochloride work synergistically in balancing the factors regulating vein structure.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul ) - Increases white blood cells. Maintains integrity of the vascular system.
Tree Turmeric (Berberis aristata) - Blood purifier that has been used for piles. Increasesvenous tone.
Triphala (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki) - Synergistic combination of three well-known fruits. Excellent intestinal cleanser, adaptogenic and rejuvenator.
Neem (Azadirachta indica) - Famous herb effective for promoting healthy skin and blood.
Indian Laburnum (Cassia fistula) - Supports healthy veins.
Orchid Tree (Bauhinia variegata) - Helpful in maintaining healthy veins.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: As published in Medicine and Surgery (1981): 1-2,22, a total of 100 cases were studied for different types of vein imperfections. After using Pilexim® for five weeks results were highly satisfactory, with definite improvement observed in most cases. Similar results were reported in another study published in Haryana Medical Journal 1981:Vol.2, No.3, p.103 with highly satisfactory results after six weeks of taking Pilexim®.

Prostane® - Natural Prostate Support
(100 tablets)

Prostane® is a unique herbal formula that has shown excellent results in helping people maintain a health prostate. It has been proved to be a safe and cost-efficient approach to supporting the overall urogenital function.

The common parameters of urination were studied in several clinical trials of Prostane® comparing its effectiveness to other products.
The advantages of Prostane® were found to include its non-hormonal nature and the absence of side effects. In general, Prostane®’s documented health benefits have been rated superior to natural products based on saw palmetto. Recent studies have also shown that Prostane® helps maintain a normal PSA count as well as a healthy bladder.

Prostane® is a natural solution that helps most men over 50 address a common nuisance of aging and maintain normal urinary comfort for enhanced sense of well-being.


Salep orchid (Orchis mascula ) - Nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic. Effective prostate health promoter.
Hygrophila (Astercantha longifolia) - Supports the male urogential function and promotes prostate health.
Elephant creeper (Argyreia speciosa) - Supports the nervous system and is a geriatric tonic and mild aphrodisiac.
Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) - Promotes the flow of urine and cools and soothes the membranes of the urinary tract.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: A clinical trial, reported in Antiseptic (1980): 10, 590, was conducted over two years on 50 patients, with common parameters of urination used to assess the effectiveness of Prostane® in maintaining a healthy urinary function. Positive response was reported in more than 80% of the cases, with complete satisfaction in more than 50%.

A later study on urinary comfort was conducted in 1988 on 82 patients and reported in Curr. Medical Practice (July 1992): (36), 7, 179. It concluded that Prostane® is an effective and safe prostate health product. There is experimental evidence that shows Prostane® potentiates the action of adrenaline on the prostatic capsule. As adrenaline is known to cause contraction of the smooth muscles, this mechanism of action seems to explain the efficacy of Prostane® in maintaining a healthy prostate.

Purim® - Natural Blood Purifier
(120 tablets)

Purim® is a unique complex and balanced herbal formula that helps maintain optimum health through broad and systemic blood purification in the tradition of the famous "bitters." Purim® is therefore a very effective detoxifying formula that helps accelerate the elimination of toxins from the body.

The importance of broad detoxification has been at the heart of traditional medicine that focuses on natural ways to maintain optimum health. Over centuries, the use of herbs has been fine-tuned to provide safe and effective detoxification of the liver – with the famous Liv.52® – and purification of the blood.


Turmeric (Curcuma longa) - Cleansing and purifying properties.
Babchi Seeds (Psoralea corylifolia) - Supports dermal health for normal skin appearance.
Neem (Azadirachta indica) - Powerful blood purifier that promotes healthy skin and blood.
King of Bitters (Andropraphis paniculata) - Effective tonic in improving the liver function.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Triphala (Avealaki, Haritaki, Vibhitaka) - Cornerstone of Ayurvedic medicine.
False Black Pepper (Embelia ribes) - Supports a healthy skin.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day preferably with meals.

Key research: The most immediate benefits of Purim® have been studied in relation to the skin's health. Purim® helps clear impurities and keep the skin looking healthy and radiant. The health benefits of two of the most interesting ingredients in Purim® have been well proven through clinical trials.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has long been associated in traditional Indian formulas with broad skin support. Its properties have been described in many scientific articles such as Brit. J. Phytother. (1991): (2), 2, 51. Neem (Azadirachta indica) contains several alkaloids found effective in supporting various skin properties in addition to its immune-boosting properties.

Reosto® - Balanced Bone Support
(60 capsules)

Reosto® is a unique herbal supplement that helps maintain healthy bone structure by addressing two factors known to be associated with bone health: adequate calcium supplementation and appropriate hormonal balance.

Reosto® combines several sources of bioavailable calcium for optimum results. Studies have shown Reosto® to be very effective in bone mineralization and supporting the microstructure of the bone tissue.

The effectiveness of Reosto® in supporting calcium metabolisms is enhanced by several herbs which have been shown to contain phytoestrogens.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul) – shown to promote bone mineralization
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – adaptogen
Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna) – improves hormonal synthesis
Country Mallow (Sida cordifolia) – supports a healthy reproductive system

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily, preferrably after meals.

Key research: Experimental studies have shown Reosto® to support healthy calcium metabolism for effective bone structure.

Rumalaya® - Natural Joint Support
(60 tablets)

Rumalaya® helps support the connective tissue structure and attenuate the discomfort caused by impaired movement. Those discomforts are a widespread occurrence resulting from such factors as climate, lifestyle, work habits and sedentary, repetitive movement, etc. Taken daily as a dietary supplement, Rumalaya® has demonstrated very good results in relieving discomfort caused by morning stiffness. Results are gradual but long lasting.

The mechanism of the support action of Rumalaya® has been explained by an increase in the concentration of a substance that, in turn, inhibits the release of lysosomal enzymes and helps maintain healthy joints.

Supporting healthy joints is very valuable over the long run and considerably improves the sense of well-being for elderly people. Rumalaya® has been shown to be particularly effective when taken in combination with Geriforte®.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul) - Increases white blood cells and normalizes lipids.
Indian madder (Rubia cordifolia) - Blood-purifying herb and immune regulator.
Horseradish tree (Moringa pterygosperma) - Broad stimulant.
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) - Helps maintain healthy coronary arteries and circulation.
Musk mallow (Hibiscus abelmoschus) - Helps support healthy joints.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Mineral Pitch (Shilajeet) - Tar-like purified exudate, balanced general tonic.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: Many orthopedists have recognized the value of natural products such as Rumalaya® in maintaining healthy joints. - Indian Practitioner, (1984) : 2, 213

The safety of Rumalaya® has been demonstrated by toxicity studies, both acute and chronic. “No toxicity or adverse side-effects were encountered during regimen from 10 days to 2 months.” - Current Medical Practice, (1981) : 7, 285

“No biochemical or hematological abnormality was noticed during Rumalaya® regimen for up to 2 years.
The conclusion was that Rumalaya® is an effective agent at all stages and cuts the analgesic requirements.” - The Medicine & Surgery, (1980) Vol XX, No 8, 5

“Sixty-two cases were selected for a clinical trial with Rumalaya®. There was significant satisfaction reported after three months.” - Indian Medical Journal (1984):(78), 6, 82-86

Septilin® - Natural Immune Support
(80 tablets)

The weakening of immune protection, the body’s main line of defense, usually results in many unhealthy conditions. Common “quick relief” methods of treatment only temporarily ease the symptoms, they don’t provide any preventative measures. The Ayurvedic alternative, however, is aimed at “building up” the body’s own defense mechanisms to prevent negative conditions. Septilin® contains many medicinal plants, such as Guggul, which possess immunomodulatory properties that aid this “building up” process.

Septilin® provides effective support of the immune function, ensuring that the immune response works efficiently. The best level of resistance is achieved through normalization of leukocyte function by improved phagocytosis (the immune response by some of the white blood cells - leukocytes and macrophages - that destroys microorganisms and foreign bodies).


Guggul (Commiphora mukul ) - Famous broad spectrum herb. Promotes general defense mechanism of the body through increased white blood cell production.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia) - Blood-purifying herb and immune regulator.
Amalaki - Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) - High in natural Vitamin C. Very potent antioxidant and proven immune function booster.
Horseradish Tree (Moringa pterygosperma) - Broad stimulant that helps support a healthy immune function.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Rich in flavonoids (antioxidants).

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.

Key research: Although Septilin® has shown no direct antibacterial activity in culture media, it significantly protected animals against pathogen-induced infections, suggesting a stimulation of phagocytic activity. (Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.32, August 1994, pp.553-558). Indeed, other studies have indicated that the phagocytosis of bacteria is significantly increased in people who have taken Septilin® for several weeks. That increase can be linked with recent clinical and experimental work that clearly demonstrates that many complex glycoproteins of plant origin have the ability to induce a proliferate response in different types of cells in the immune system. All those studies suggest a model in which complex herbomineral formulations interact with the body’s defense mechanisms and offer a natural and effective option to strengthen the body’s resistance.

Another multiple dose, double blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to assess the health promoting benefits of Septilin® for allergen sensitive people. Septilin® was found to be very effective and had a much lower incidence of side effects than commonly used products. (Indian Journal of Pharmacology - 1993 - Vol 25, pp. 114).

Septilin® Jr. - Natural Immune Support
(120 tablets or 200ml liquid)

Weakening of the immune protection, the first and foremost health maintenance mechanism, usually results in unhealthy conditions, and common “quick relief” methods have largely failed to ensure long-term remission. By contrast, the ayurvedic alternative is aimed at building up the body’s own defense mechanisms. Many medicinal plants, such as Guggul, have long been known to have immunomodulatory properties. Septilin® Jr. contains some of these immunoactive plant principles that have been reported to potentiate the non-specific defense mechanisms of the body.

Septilin® Jr. provides effective support of the immune function, ensuring that the immune response works efficiently. The best level of resistanceis achieved through normalization of leukocyte function by improved phagocytosis (the immune response by some of the white blood cells–leukocytes and macrophages that destroys microorganisms and foreign bodies).


Guggul (Commiphora mukul ) - Famous broad spectrum herb. Promotes general defense mechanism of the body through increased white blood cell production.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Indian Madder (Rubia cordifolia) - Blood-purifying herb and immune regulator.
Amalaki - Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) - High in natural Vitamin C. Very potent antioxidant and proven immune function booster.
Horseradish Tree (Moringa pterygosperma) - Broad stimulant that helps support a healthy immune function.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Rich in flavonoids (antioxidants).

Recommended dosage:
1 to 3 tablets twice daily, preferably with meals.
200ml Liquid:
1 to 2 teaspoonfuls, 2 or 3 times a day.

Key research: Although Septilin® has shown no direct antibacterial activity in culture media, it significantly protected animals against pathogen-induced infections, suggesting a stimulation of phagocytic activity. (Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.32, August 1994, pp.553-558). Indeed, other studies have indicated that the phagocytosis of bacteria is significantly increased in people who have taken Septilin® for several weeks. That increase can be linked with recent clinical and experimental work that clearly demonstrates that many complex glycoproteins of plant origin have the ability to induce a proliferate response in different types of cells in the immune system. All those studies suggest a model in which complex herbomineral formulations interact with the body’s defense mechanisms and offer a natural and effective option to strengthen the body’s resistance.

Another multiple dose, double blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to assess the health promoting benefits of Septilin® for allergen sensitive people. Septilin® was found to be very effective and had a much lower incidence of side effects than commonly used products. (Indian Journal of Pharmacology - 1993 - Vol 25, pp. 114).

Spemen® - Natural Semen Support
(100 tablets)

Speman® is a unique herbal formula that has shown excellent results in helping men maintain an effective reproductive function. It has been proved to be a safe and cost-efficient approach to supporting the urogenital function overall.

Speman® is a non-hormonal herbal support of male fertility. Through the support of the musculature of the seminal vesicles, it helps regulate sperm count and maintain overall semen quality, morphology and motility. The advantages of Speman® have been found to include its non-hormonal nature and the absence of side effects.

Speman® helps men maintain a positive male image and is a natural solution that helps couples by supporting their desire to have children. It helps address a common nuisance of life and contributes to a general enhanced sense of well-being.


Hygrophila (Astercantha longifolia) - Supports the male urogenital function and promotes fertility and vigor.
Lettuce (Lactuca scariola) - Supports the male reproductive system.
Elephant Creeper (Argyreia speciosa) - Supports the nervous system and is a geriatric tonic and mild aphrodisiac.
Mucuna (Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Jeevanti (Leptadenia reticulata) - Supports the gametogenic and androgenic functions of the male reproductive system.
Stone Flower (Parmelia perlata) - Supports hormonal mechanisms and provides revigorating energy.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: During a clinical trial on Speman®, reported in the Indian Medical Gazette in Jan 1985, Vol. CXIX, No.1, pp.14-17, 68 male patients took Speman® for nine months. Seventy percent showed increase in sperm count and forty-seven percent had improvement in sperm motility. Conception rate was above average. No side effects were registered.

There is experimental evidence that Speman® potentiates the action of adrenaline on the seminal vesicles, causing contraction of the smooth muscles. This mechanism of action seems to explain the formula’s efficacy.

Tentex® forte - Natural Male Libido Support
(50 tablets)

Tentex® forte is a natural herbal dietary supplement that helps support a normal sex life. It is a safe, non-hormonal, sex stimulant that has been proven effective in cases of weakness, without the side effects usually associated with testosterone therapy. Tentex® forte brings about overall improvement of sexual function, helps overcome loss of libido and generally improves performance.

Age-related impotence and male libidinal hypofunction should be taken seriously as this has an adverse effect on all the spheres of a person's marital, family and social life. By ensuring a satisfactory sex life, Tentex® forte restores self-confidence and protects against the frustration, worry and stress that may result from diminished libido and sexual drive.

Tentex® forte is an effective and safe formula for all age-related sexual dysfunctions.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - Indian Ginseng - Known for its adaptogenic and rejuvenative effect.
Elephant Creeper (Argyreia speciosa) - Blood purifying herb and immune regulator.
Mucuna - Cow-Itch Plant (Mucuna pruriens) - Nervine tonic also shown to be an aphrodisiac.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Tonic which helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Salep Orchid (Orchis mascula) - Nerve stimulant and revigorating tonic.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 tablets twice daily or 3 tablets before bedtime.

Key research: Clinical trials conducted on Tentex® forte have shown its efficacy as a good sexual stimulant. A clinical study published in Probe, Vol.XVIII, No.2, Jan.-Mar. 1979, pp.76-78 showed a group who took Tentex® forte had improved libido and sexual weakness by 84% in comparison to placebo.

Experimental studies have associated the increased libido and improved performance to the action of Tentex® forte on the hypothalamus. This action seems far superior to the mechanism of action and the effects of testosterone. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study of men with libidinal hypoactivity, Tentex® forte proved to be very helpful and was found to be significantly superior to the placebo of counseling alone.

Vegantiox® - Natural Cell Protection
(60 capsules)

Vegantiox® is a unique complex herbal formula that protects cells against free radical oxidative damage. Vegantiox® contains many powerful natural antioxidants and has shown to be beneficial in helping aging adults minimize all degenerative changes caused in the body by the free radicals oxidation process.

Vegantiox® is especially useful in stress-induced geriatric concerns with oxidative activity implications.


Mango (Mangifera indica) – source of natural vitamin A
Carrot (Daucus carota) – source of natural vitamin A and beta-carotene
Grape (Vitis vinifera) – antioxidant properties
Amalaki / Indian Gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) – high in natural vitamin C
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) – rich in flavonoids
Clove (Syzygium aromatium) – contains several antioxidants

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules twice daily, preferrably before meals.

Key research: Clinical trials conducted with Vegantiox® have proven its effective antioxidant action that protects the body’s cells against free radical-induced oxidative damage. These findings are backed by the numerous studies that have been conducted on the antioxidant benefits of many of Vegantiox®’s ingredients.

Vegecort® - Natural Skin Support
(120 tablets)

Vegecort® is a unique complex herbal formula that helps maintain the skin in an optimum healthy state. It has broad action on many underlying mechanisms linked to optimum skin conditions. The benefits of Vegecort® tablets can be synergistically amplified by taking them with various Vegecort® topical adjuvants.

In Ayurveda, a radiant skin is one key indicator of optimum health that can be reached through a broad approach. For example, broad detoxification through liver support and the optimization of the immune system performance are two essentials for both optimum health and optimum skin appearance. Vegecort® offers some additional and more specific support of a healthy skin by providing cleansing benefits and optimizing many specific skin metabolisms.


Guggul (Commiphora mukul) - Immunomodulator that helps maintain a healthy skin.
False Black Pepper (Embelia ribes) - Supports healthy skin.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) - Cleansing and purifying properties.
Triphala (Amalaki, Vibhitaka, Haritaki) - Synergistic combination of three well-known fruits. Excellent intestinal cleanser, adaptogenic and rejuvenator.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - Helps build the body’s immune resistance.
Neem (Azadirachta indica) - Famous herb effective for promoting healthy skin and blood.
Babchi Seeds (Psoralea corylifolia) - Supports dermal health for normal skin appearance.

Recommended dosage: Take 1 or 2 tablets twice per day, preferably with meals.

Key research: The health benefits of two of the most interesting ingredients in Vegecort® have been well documented and proven through clinical trials.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) has long been associated in ayurvedic formulas with broad skin support. Its properties have been described in many scientific articles such as Brit. J. Phytother. (1991): (2), 2, 51.

Babchi seeds (Psoralea corylifolia) have undergone several clinical trials in various preparations for dermal benefits. Babchi seeds’ mode of action has been documented to have an effect on dilated arterioles whereby the blood supply to the skin is increased for optimum properties. Eastern Pharm.(1959): (2), 20, 29

Vegelax® - Natural Bowel Support
(50 capsules)

Vegelax® is all-natural, gentle support of the bowel function in cases of improper diet, low fluid consumption, stress, consumption of certain types of medicines and other factors affecting the digestive system’s efficiency. Vegelax® helps prevent discomfort associated with constipation without any associated loss of fluids or electrolytes. Vegelax® is completely natural and its effectiveness is not accompanied by any undesirable side effects.

Vegelax® is a combination of aloes with a number of other non-irritating natural ingredients. Its main component is Indian Gallnut or Jalap (Operculina turpethum or Ipomoea turpethum), a very good natural purgative used in many combinations. Jalep’s properties are enhanced by several other botanicals such as Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), a very safe and effective purgative.


Jalap (Ipomoea turpethum ) - Mild laxative.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - Safe and effective purgative that promotes regularity.
Wild chicory (Cichorium intybus) - Powerful hepatic stimulant, increases bile secretion, and promotes digestion.
Negro coffee (Cassia occidentalis) - Promotes normal bowel movement.
Black nightshade (Solanum nigrum) - Promotes liver and kidney health.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Tones up intestines. Rich in flavonoids.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - Widely used, tasty condiment. Stimulant of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules before bedtime. Ensure sufficient fluid intake.

Key research: According to the traditional ayurvedic holistic approach, Vegelax® addresses more than the symptoms, and the formula also contains elements that have a general tonic effect for the entire digestive function and have been well documented to soothe the gastrointestinal tract: Chicory (Cichorium intybus), Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) which are known to be mild laxatives that soothe and tone the mucous membranes and relieve muscle spasms and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) whose use in digestive diseases has been well documented by helping bowel movements and relaxing the muscles controlling the digestive system.

Unlike many laxatives that have strong astringent properties and tend to cause the “laxative habit” or dependency on laxatives for promoting bowel movements, Vegelax® is non-habit forming and gently tones the body’s own muscular mechanism of normal evacuation.

Vegelax® has been shown in clinical studies to be very effective during pregnancy - ProbeVol.XVIII, No.2 Jan-Mar. 1979, pp.93-95.

Vigoreve® - Balanced Female Vitality Formula
(50 capsules)

Vigoreve® for Women is a natural herbal dietary supplement that helps support a normal sex life. It is a safe, non-hormonal sex stimulant that has been proven effective in cases of age- or menopause-related low sexual desire. Vigoreve® for Women brings about an overall improvement of sexual function, helps overcome loss of libido and generally enhances sexual pleasure.

Addressing age-related female libidinal hypofunction will benefit all the spheres of a person’s marital, family and social life. By ensuring a satisfactory sex life, Vigoreve® for Women restores self-confidence and quality of life.

Vigoreve® for Women is an effective and safe formula for all age-related sexual deficiencies.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) – adaptogen
Nut Grass (Cyperus rotundus) – estrogenic properties
Lodh Tree (Symplocos racemosa) – uterine tonic
Nutmeg (Myristica fragans) – aphrodisiac & stimulant properties
Pellitory (Anacyclus pyrethrum) – rejuvenative effect on reproductive system
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) – adjuvant to tonic & stimulating remedies

Recommended dosage: Take 2 capsules one hour before bedtime.

Key research: In a study of 25 female volunteers with age- or menopause -related depressed libido, 68% of the participants who had used Vigoreve® for Women showed an excellent response and 36% had a good response. This report is due to be published in the Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology of India.


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